Vintage on the Web – August 2015
I apologise for the lateness of this post. I had planned to do it over the bank holiday but as I was struck down with a cold just before it started I decided sitting in front of a computer was… Continue Reading
The 1940s, the war years, a time of rationing, make do and mend and keep calm and carry on
I apologise for the lateness of this post. I had planned to do it over the bank holiday but as I was struck down with a cold just before it started I decided sitting in front of a computer was… Continue Reading
Every year my mum and I have a small holiday together, just us girls. We’ve been to places like Edinburgh, Dublin, Hamburg and even New York. But this year we just couldn’t make our minds up where to go, so instead… Continue Reading
It’s that time of the month again when I let you know about those fabulous vintage blogs, articles, how-tos and shops that I’ve come across during July. It’s been an odd month with lots happening, but also with a nice… Continue Reading
Warning: This blog post contains a lot of photos of planes! Okay, I’m no aeroplane geek but when I agreed to go to The Royal International Air Tattoo I was a little bit excited about seeing at least one Spitfire… Continue Reading
After a disastrous start I have sorted my camera out (it was on a really weird setting!) and have now managed to get some decent photos of my 1940s make do and mend dress. Why I’ve called it that I’ll… Continue Reading
A couple of Christmases ago, just a few months before starting this blog, I fell ill with a heart problem the doctors just couldn’t get to the bottom of. Taking things into my own hands I searched for things to… Continue Reading
I am so excited to tell you about the fabulous day I spent at The Dig for Victory Show on Sunday, a 1940s festival held at the the North Somerset Showground but, before I start, I must apologise. This is probably going to… Continue Reading
Well, May has been a bit of hectic month, the day job has been insanely busy, I’ve got full into sewing my own clothes again, which means I can create all those vintage style garments I’ve been fruitlessly searching for,… Continue Reading
I need your help dear friends. You may remember back in my February vintage on the web post that I’d come across the amazing dresses by Australian designer, Evelyn Wood. Well, ever since, I have saving my pennies so I… Continue Reading
Well, another month has gone by and it’s time for my monthly Vintage on the Web post. Is it me or is this year just flying by? I can’t believe it’s May already. Thankfully the British weather has been relatively… Continue Reading